Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chae Son National Park

Driving through the rice fields we arrived at Chae Son National Park in Lampang Province. The park is home to several natural hot springs and while it may seem counterintuitive to want to soak in hot springs in the hot hot heat, it was extremely relaxing.  Wrapped in a sarong, I dipped into the steamy water surrounded by curious and smiling Thai women.  After becoming sufficiently pruned, I emerged from the hot springs and made my way over to the outdoor "massage parlor" located next to the babbling brook.  An hour later I was relaxed as relaxed could be.  On the journey home we stopped at a beautiful old teak wat and witnessed a sublime sunset over the surrounding mountains.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

action shots, waterfalls, and sticky rice

The second day that Patrick and I arrived in our new hometown of Uttaradit, we went out and bought ourselves a nice used motorbike.  [Side note: While he has mastered the skill of maneuvering that thing around town, I am still hesitantly learning.... but, after cruising with Miss Libby Anna last weekend through a crazy storm, I realize that I'm a bit of a wuss and need to "step-it-up."] That being said, my new favorite past time is sitting on the back of scoot, pretending to be an action photographer [sometimes while simultaneously drinking a char yen or a dragonfruit smoothie] while Patrick deals with the issue of getting us there.  

Our first weekend we set out with two other teachers, Meredith and Kelsey, to Namtok Mae Phun, a waterfall located outside the little town of Lap Lae, a few kilometers away.  After a beautiful drive through the fields we arrived at the waterfall.  Being curious, we hiked up some nearby mossy steps to find ourselves submerged in the jungle. Eventually we came out atop the waterfall, dirty and sweaty.  After some time we made our way back down (even more dirty and sweaty) and were welcomed by a nice family who fed us sticky rice, pork, and bananas.  Aroi maak. 

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep

When we first arrived in Chiang Mai we hopped on motorbikes for the first time and rode the long winding road up to Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep.  After walking up the 309 steps to the temple, we were presented with a gorgeous view of the city below.  Last weekend I revisited Doi Suthep early in the morning when it was still surrounded by the morning mist.  

side note: we didn't realize the little girl was in our photo until later.   

pictures from the top: the bottom of the 300 steps with Patrick, Libby, and Daniel,  the golden chedi, views from above, by ringing the bells you alert the spirits that you have been to a place of worship, traditional dancers, farangs on motorbikes. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Watting around Chiang Mai

Arriving in Thailand one month ago, Patrick and I spent four days roaming around the northern city of Chiang Mai, hosted by our lovely friends Libby Anna and Daniel.  Chiang Mai is a beautiful city and home to many (many) temples (or wats).  Our second day we wandered the streets, getting profusely sweaty, and taking in the sights...