Monday, February 25, 2013

hiking in jungles with girls

During a recent English Camp field trip with my students, we went "hiking" through the jungle at Chae Son National Park in Lampang.  While we all can't look at cool as the park ranger, I consider my impromptu hiking outfit pretty top notch. 

While I may have considered "hiking" a quaint euphemism for a nice stroll through the jungle, the girls were quite exhausted along the way; needing to stop to make use of their eucalyptus inhalers.  While continually being asked, "Teacher, are you tired?" I became thankful of my Washingtonian upbringing consisting of common tramps through the woods and snowy hikes up mountains to get fresh tracks.  

After emerging from the jungle, the ladies refreshed themselves with soda in a bag and meat on a stick.  They laughed at the judgement they received from Patrick and I for their choice of snacks.  

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