Thursday, March 14, 2013

the pink box

We've referred "lovingly" to our pint size apartment that we've lived in for the last five months as The Pink Box (rightly so I might add due to the pink walls, pink floors, and bright pink curtains).  
Plainly put, it will not be missed. 
4am.  Packed up and ready to leave town. 

Group Pics!

M 4/12!  Love these girls.
M 5/6 Class! (where is everyone else??)
My office colleagues.  Where's Den??

Upstairs office friends. 
Yep, there I am on a poster.  
Students from our community service English class.
M 5/2!  Always a laugh in this class.   
M 5/10!  Miss you guys!
M 4/11!  Such a crew. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

goodbye feasts

Saying goodbye to students and colleagues inevitably means goodbye feasting.  When Thais eat together they eat "family style" and with a large array of delicious Thai delicacies in front of you, your tongue is always in for a spicy treat.  

Jeannie, Allison and I joined some of our students at a popular hot pot restaurant on the last night of finals.  The whole restaurant was teeming with all our students in their matching uniforms, chowing down.  A hot pot restaurant is a cook it yourself buffet and I'm always shocked at the amount of food a fifteen year old Thai girl can eat!  

One of my favorite students.  I'll miss you Tunkpang!

I don't know how we ate it all... 

The next day our whole English department crammed into one of the best restaurants in town for another mouthwatering feast.

friends in far away places